Waverley Square Daycare
Warm, Nurturing, and Learning Care
Toddler Daily Schedule
7:30-8:40-Arrival & Free Choice
8:40-8:55 – Circle Time
9:00-9:30 Breakfast
9:30-10:30 – Free choice play session
- Clean snack table and if necessary, vacuum floor
- Count school lunches
- Diaper changes and potty training
10:30 Morning snack
10:40 – 11:15 Outdoor Play (weather permitting) or Indoor Gross Motor Skill Room
11:30 Lunch (Early finishers have free choice time)
12:15– 12:30 Music & Movement
- Lunch table cleaned
- Floor vacuumed
12:30 – 12:45 Story Time
- Diaper changes and potty training
- Naptime bags are put out
- Reports are completed for 1:00 going home time
1:00 children are prepared to go home
12:45 – Settle into Naptime
1:00-3:15 – Naptime
3:15- 3:45 Wake up and tidy up naptime things.
- Diaper changes and potty training
3:45 – Afternoon snack
4:00 – 6:00 Free choice play session