Waverley Square Daycare

Warm, Nurturing, and Learning Care

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Lexington Toddler Program

At Waverley Square Day Care, toddlers are offered a variety of opportunities to explore their world through play. Gross motor skills and social skills are developed through both structured and unstructured play. Their days are filled with music, art, dance and story times.

We practice and strive to achieve milestones in the following developmental areas, through age appropriate activities. These standards are set by the Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care. To view the daily schedule click here: Toddler Schedule

Social-Emotional Development

  • Demonstrates increasing comfort with adults in the setting.
  • Able to separate from parent/care giver upon arrival.
  • Follows simple directions.
  • Notices and engages with children of their own age.
  • Expresses a range of emotions, sometimes with intensity.

Language and Communication

  • Understands and responds to action words by performing the action.
  • Understands teachers’ simple requests and directions.
  • Enjoys looking at books.
  • Uses a growing number of words and has started stringing them together.
  • Sings along to familiar songs.

Cognitive Development

  • Able to recall past finger plays and songs and perform the actions.
  • Engages in problem-solving (ex: moving obstacles out of his/her way to reach a toy.)
  • Has begun to understand the rules and routines of the setting.

Physical Health & Well Being

  • Moves body, arms and legs with coordination
  • Moves body with a purpose to achieve a goal.
  • Coordinates eye and hand movements (Ex: puts a puzzle piece into place, stacks blocks together)

Approaches to Learning

  • Explores the environment independently.
  • Shows curiosity in new and familiar objects.