Waverley Square Daycare

Warm, Nurturing, and Learning Care

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At Waverly Square Daycare, our primary goal is to help your child to develop into a well rounded individual. We do this by using a versatile approach that is both fun and educational for your children. The curriculum that we offer is incredibly varied, but there is one thing that we are always sure to include –music. We make music a priority in the curriculum at our preschool in Lexington, because there are many benefits of children being exposed to it:

  • Creativity- Creativity helps children to solve problems and navigate the world around them in unique, out-of-the-box ways. Music can go a long way to stimulating that creativity. For instance, an exposure to music encourages children to make up songs, rhythms and even dances –all of which will help them to develop the creative side of their brain.
  • Emotions- It is no secret that music evokes emotions. Music allows our children to find an acceptable, safe way to express their feelings and emotions. It helps to relieve tension, and it can even reveal feelings that are too complex to convey in other ways.
  • Mathematical Thinking- Most people think of math and music as completely different things. However, countless studies have shown that there is a strong link between the development of mathematical concepts and music.
  • Physical Development- Playing music, as well as dancing to music, helps your child to become aware of their body. It helps to develop muscles, coordination, balance and dexterity.

It is never easy for working moms and dads to leave their babies. You have this little life that depends on you for every little thing, and now you have to trust them to someone else entirely. It can really help if you find infant care in Lexington that you can trust, and that is where we come in. At Waverly Square Daycare we offer a warm, nurturing environment where your baby will not only get the care that they need to thrive, but where they can also learn about the world around them.

The first few years of life is an imperative time for brain development. Countless studies have shown that babies learn much more aptly by interacting with the world around them, rather than by watching TV or playing with tablets. This is why, at our Lexington daycare, we focus our learning activities on developing gross motor and verbal skills. We also include a large variety of sensory materials that can help your child to develop their sense of touch, smell and sound. We are proud to say that we have a high teacher to student ratio, so that we can provide your baby with the individual attention that he or she needs.

Trusting your baby’s care to someone else is never an easy thing to do, but it helps to know that they are in the best hands possible. For more detailed information about what our infant program has to offer, please click here. Feel free to contact us at 617-599-4313 with any questions or concerns that you may have.


Did you know that play helps your child to develop in a large variety of ways? Play can help your child to develop social skills, imagination, dexterity, and so much more. Young children are in an important stage in their life when it comes to development, and play is a key piece of the puzzle for healthy growth.

Socially, play helps your kids to connect with their peers in a whole new way. They can use their imagination in conjunction with another person, while learning important values like honesty and integrity. Playing with others also teaches your child how to share, to be competitive, and to learn how to gracefully win or lose. Social playing also teaches your child how they fit in with others and how to express themselves in a variety of situations.

When you are looking for the best Lexington daycare center for your child, you should keep the importance of pay at the forefront of your mind. The childcare center that you choose should encourage kids to actively learn and play together, rather than wander aimlessly by themselves. There should also be a variety of games and activities to keep your child actively engaged.

At Waverly Square Daycare we work hard to provide your child with a well-rounded early education, with an emphasis on on learning through both unstructured and structured play. Our preschool in Lexington is dedicated to helping your child to develop in a healthy manner in all areas. For more information please visit our site or give us a call at 617-599-4313,


Waverley Square Lexington Daycare offers preschool in Lexington that is dedicated to working with parents to help them create the best childhood and most promising future for their kids. We developed our preschool in Lexington because we are committed to the community in this area and are dedicated to working with families to build a strong foundation educationally and emotionally for their children.

Our preschool in Lexington is designed to give kids a nurturing and caring environment to learn and grow in. We believe, and science has proven, that children make the most positive advances in their learning and growth when they are in a comfortable and safe environment. Each class establishes a predictable and stable routine so that your child always feels safe and is able to enjoy each day without feeling that things change too frequently. This is a vitally important piece of our preschool in Lexington because it helps your child feel as comfortable here as they do at home.

Waverley Square Lexington daycare is proud of our highly-qualified staff and teachers. We understand that each child in our care has unique talents and we are careful to employ plenty of teachers so that your child get’s one-on-one attention to develope their personal skills and talents. We always communicate regularly with parents to ensure that you are completely satisfied with your child’s care. If you have any questions or concerns, simply contact Us Today to learn more! We are always happy to sit down and work out a plan to give you complete peace of mind with your chosen preschool in Lexington.




Does your child use hitting as a way to express displeasure? Do they smack other kids on the playground? Do they hit you if they don’t get what they want? This is natural and normal behaviour for children who do not always have the words or the skills to handle difficult situations. Toddlers and preschoolers will often respond physically to situations that upset them because they have not yet learned other ways to respond. In this post, I’ll share some ideas for dealing with hitting in toddlers.


The ABCs of Toddler Playdates

Playdates can be valuable learning experiences for you and your little ones. Here’s how to make the most of your child’s social calendar.

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Jennifer Bianco knows how to make the most of a playdate. The mother of a girl and boy, ages 6 and 3 respectively, Bianco uses playdates as an important social experience both for her kids and for herself.

“Playdates are great for my kids,” Bianco says. “They learn how to interact with other kids; they learn how to share and how to get along in general. And it gives me a great opportunity to connect with other adults to talk about parentingand things totally unrelated to being a mom, which is refreshing.”


Not just child’s play

Want to help kids do better in school? Don’t forget to shoo them outside to play. Whether it’s building a castle out of blocks, pretending to be a pirate, or riding bikes, play isn’t just good for the body — it actually helps the brain.

Valuable play isn’t limited to structured exercise (like organized sports), and it’s most definitely not playing video games. At its best, play engages the body and mind in imaginative activities that develop a child’s ability to think creatively, work as a team member, and create and follow rules. So if you’re worried your child needs to spend more time doing fractions/practicing violin or karate/diagramming sentences to become a complete human being, remember that kids also need unstructured time to build, create, and fantasize.

As any kid with a pile of mud (birthday cake, anyone?) already knows, play performs an essential role in childhood development. But since we’re all adults here — and it’s easy to forget what children instinctively understand — we’ve culled through the research to find the most interesting studies on different kinds of play and how they help kids grow.


Researcher conducted lecture on language and emotion development

Posted by Cecilia Prado on Monday, March 3, 2014 · Leave a Comment

Pennsylvania State University researcher Pamela Cole presented a lecture called “Language and the Early Development of Emotion Regulation” last Thursday, Feb. 27, in the University of Massachusetts in the Campus Center.

Pamela Cole is a liberal arts research professor of psychology and human development, currently studying emotional development in early childhood. Her work pays particular attention to emotion regulation, which is the ability of humans to control their emotional reactions. Cole’s research breaks new ground by analyzing the correlation between the development of proper language skills and emotional self-regulation from an early age. During the presentation, Cole addressed the role that parental language input and toddler language ability contribute to the development of emotion regulation by the time the child reaches four years old.



Infant sleep machines designed to soothe baby with sound are popular with harried parents, but they could end up harming babies’ hearing, according to a new study.

Researchers tested 14 widely available machines that play white noise and other soothing sounds for an article published Monday in the journal Pediatrics. At one foot away, three of the machines produced such intense sound levels at maximum volume that, if played through the night, they would exceed allowable noise limits for adults at work.

“Used too loud or too close or too long, these machines can exceed safety standards and potentially damage the hearing of the infant,” Dr. Blake Papsin, the lead researcher and chief otolaryngologist at The Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, told NBC News.

And those sound limits may be too liberal for infants, whose ears differ from adults’, says Papsin. “The infant ear has a little straighter tube. It’s a little wider open, and it amplifies the higher frequencies.”

At distances of one foot and three feet, the maximum volume on all the devices exceeded the more conservative recommended noise limit for infants in hospital nurseries, and at 6 1/2 feet, 13 of the devices did so.


The Reggio Emilia Approach is an educational philosophy focused on preschool and primary education. It was developed by Loris Malaguzzi, who was a teacher himself, and the parents of the villages around Reggio Emilia in Italy after World War II. After such a great and destructive event, people believed that children were in need of a new way of learning: the assumption was that people form their own personality during early years of development and, moreover, that children are endowed with a hundred languages. The aim of this approach is teaching how to make them useful in everyday life. The program is based on the principles of respect, responsibility, and community through exploration and discovery in a supportive and enriching environment based on the interests of the children through a self-guided curriculum.

The Reggio Emilia philosophy is based upon the following set of principles:

  • Children must have some control over the direction of their learning;
  • Children must be able to learn through experiences of touching, moving, listening, seeing, and hearing;
  • Children have a relationship with other children and with material items in the world that children must be allowed to explore and
  • Children must have endless ways and opportunities to express themselves.

At Waverley Square Daycare we are widely respected for our top rated infant care in Lexington. We maintain a loving, caring environment for your children as well as a low teacher/student ratio in order to allow each student individualized attention throughout the day. Our classrooms and daily schedules are designed to give your infant the maximum amount of time to develop critical cognitive motor skills while also giving them the emotional love and support that they need. Waverley Square’s infant care in Lexington follows the American Academy of Pediatrics guidelines for safe sleep as well as all the current EEC regulations. When you bring your infant to Waverley Square Daycare, you are bringing them to a facility that is dedicated to excellence in every area.

Our preschool in Lexington is also widely recognized as an exceptional program. We keep our preschool schedules filled with fun and games that all the kids love. Each activity is designed with essential education elements such as critical thinking, creativity, respectful social interactions with their peers, pre-reading skills, and basic math and science. Waverley Square’s preschool in Lexington meets the Massachusetts Early Education and Care standards that are recommended by the National Association for Education of Young Children. We work hard to ensure that your child receives the emotional, social, and educational foundation they need to excel at every stage of their life.


Waverly Square Daycare is passionate about helping children grow and explore mentally, physically, and emotionally. Our focus on high quality education sets us apart as the best Lexington Daycare available. Our preschool in Lexington is built around important educational elements that build a foundation for reading skills, sound and letter recognition, beginning math, and kinesthetic science exploration.

Similarly to the preschool program, Waverly’s infant care in Lexington also builds a strong educational foundation for the kids. Although infants have to start at the beginning and have a lower learning capacity, it is still important to begin the process of helping them develop mentally. Waverly Square’s Lexington Daycare is designed to help every child advance mentally, physically, and emotionally in a healthy manner. Part of our philosophy is based around providing a respectful environment to each child in order to build their self-esteem as well as working closely with the parents to help them be active participants in the child’s life.

At Waverly Square’s Lexington Daycare we are particularly proud of our highly qualified staff. The owner and executive director holds a masters degree in English Language & Literature and all of our lead teachers are college educated and highly experienced. If you are interested in learning more about our preschool in Lexington or infant care in Lexington then Contact Us Today. We would be happy to give you a tour of the facility so that you can learn more about how Waverly Square’s Lexington Daycare can help your child build a solid foundation for their education and their life.


Waverly Square Daycare is a top rated Daycare as a result of our dedication to providing a nurturing environment while encouraging creativity, mental development, and long term academic success. We always strive to keep open lines of communication with parents in order to ensure that everyone involved with their child’s life is on the same page, and so that parents can be active participants in encouraging the child’s education.

Every child we work with at our preschool in Lexington is unique in their personality and we strive to create an environment that is flexible enough to accommodate each individual’s needs. At Waverly Square Lexington Daycare we understand that a child will feel most comfortable when they are loved and appreciated by the people around them. Our environment is nurturing, caring and safe.

Our highly qualified teachers also set us apart as the best preschool in lexington. Each teacher is certified by the State of Massachusetts in addition to being CPR and First Aid certified. When you bring your child to the top rated Lexington Daycare, you can trust that they are in good hands. We always go above and beyond to ensure parents satisfaction as well as child comfort and well-being. Call Now to Schedule a Tour!


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